Southeastern Special Education (SESE)
Southeastern Special Education (SESE) provides Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, School Social Work Services, Hearing and Vision, Autism Consultation, and School Psychological services. Speech Language Pathologists employed by SESE provide therapy in the classrooms operated by SESE. SESE provides classrooms located in district buildings within the SESE cooperative. Students ages 3-5 can receive special education pre-school services in the Early Childhood classrooms. Students with Moderate to Severe Mental Impairments receive services in a classroom developed to meet their needs. Students diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum who require more intensive support benefit from a classroom designed especially to meet their needs. Specific classrooms have also been developed to meet the needs of students with Emotional Disabilities. All of these classrooms are staffed and supervised by SESE. When needs exceed the level of support provided in these classroom settings, the district also utilizes day school placements or residential facilities where the student's needs can be addressed on a 24 hour basis.
Southeastern Illinois Special Education